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Can Golinons


Today I discovered a very special place in Sant Pol de Mar.
From the train station, crossing the city centre and walking up towards the mountains there is a path that leads to the Golinons Valley.
Some country houses and rows of strawberry greenhouses follow one another on both sides of the path climbing the hills slopes.
If you ever go there, I recommend you this time of year, in the middle of the strawberry season.
Early in the morning, when the sun starts warming up and the dew evaporates, and the fragrance of the fruits impregnates the air. I can assure you that the whole valley smells like strawberries!
I reached the Can Golinons country house and drew the view.

Il y a 4 ans

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Informations pratiques

  • Parking disponible

  • Transports en commun

  • Restaurant

  • Plus d’1km de marche